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a McCaig Elementary School

Governing Board

Governing Board 2023-2024

Any parent is welcome to attend a governing board meeting which is typically held every 2nd Tuesday of the month. There is always a question period for the public. Should you have a question you would like to address to the governing board, please contact your governing board chairperson via email.
Here are the members for the 2020-2021 school year:

Parent Representatives Teacher Representatives

Cristin Filacouridis (Chair)

Email :

Maral Halebi

Melissa Mancusso

Deborah Mortilliti

Lisa Cipriano

Rima Makdessi






Vicki Fraser

Stephanie Julien

Dan Strina

Kristin Crowdis




Daycare Representative Support Representative

Natalie De Ponte




Kelly Marsden

Community Representatives



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Word of the Day: APPURTENANCE
Definition: (noun) Equipment, such as clothing, tools, or instruments, used for a specific purpose or task.

Synonyms: paraphernalia, gear.

Usage: He had half expected that she would drive up to the side door in a hansom, would wear a thick veil, and adopt the other appurtenances of a clandestine meeting.